Natural Floorcovering Rug Estimator
For multiple rugs try to fit the widths of your rugs into the roll width of 400cm (4.00mt).
(e.g. a 250cm wide rug plus a 150cm wide rug = 4mt wide)
So, if the rugs are the same length then there will be the least amount of wastage, this "Rug Calculator" does not allow for material wastage.
If you want the pattern to run a certain direction on your rug that requires the Rug(s) to be wider than 400cm (4mt), then you will incur additional material costs, and $25 per lineal metre per join.
NB: Carpet sold in 4mt width runs, if Rug is 3mt x 2m, you have to purchase 4mt x 2mt run to manufacture! |