you a Quality or a Quantity purchasser ?
The ultimate decision is up to
you, as you will only get what you pay for !
Slowly diminishing
are quality carpets, underlays & installation
methods, we believe these diminished with the invention and introduction
of what we call cheap throwaway petrochemical carpets
with pile such as: Acrylic, Polypropylene and lesser Nylons, as well as, Polypropylene Backings etc. (UnNatural
Where SHOULD-U-SHOP ? Where
The WAY it is in AUSTRALIA:
Stores: It's
apparent that most department stores have lost a substantial amount of
their carpet business to the floorcovering specialist stores. The overhead
of department stores is often too expensive to allow a full service carpet
department. Many department stores still sell a variety of area rugs ranging
from imitation Orientals to bath carpet. The rug business it seams is
more profitable. But the real reason is there are no installation, subcontractor
situations or hassles that need to deal with.
Giant Super Dupper Floorcovering and Carpet Store: This type of carpet store
is characterised by largeness. Large building or warehouse, large inventory,
large advertising budget, large payroll, and usually large problems. In
order to pay for all the expense of running a large operation the profit
margins still have to be high (Although, not all stores). So, the perceived savings of buying may be lost
by expensive overhead.
As a consumer, it is difficult sometimes to feel you are
of any importance to the "Super Dupper Store" unless you are going to spend
three or four thousand dollars. Furthermore the "Super Dupper Store" quite often
has Generic carpet deceptively labeled under their own name and Manufactured in a lesser weight to subsidise their ability to undercut other outlets; thus, you have no chance of
doing any comparative shopping of their products.
Wholesalers: This is the builder's delight. generally here is a
place to buy carpet and other floorcovering at 10~15% below retail cost
... as a builder you must have your own labour force to install the
carpet because the broker does not often supply labour. The broker or
wholesale type store has beautiful displays, and some even have competent
sales people (this is rare!). The Wholesaler usually has no intent to
provide more than minimum service. There is the risk in buying floorcoverings
this way; If you have a labour problem you as a consumer, must or need
to deal with the person responsible for installation; this usually is
never the Wholesaler's responsibility, if they do supply labour, this
is usually sub-contracted out hopefully for your sake, he is competent
& responsible.
As a customer of a Builder (*), you are not usually saving money because often the broker
gives the builder a "kick back" at the end of a set time. This
"kick back" is the difference what the builder says he pays
for the floorcoverings and what he really pays. If you have your own installer
whom you really trust (#) and if you don't mind paying for any labour expenses that may evolve out
of a defective carpet claim, then the broker might be a way for you to
save an average of 10~15% on you next carpet purchase.
Local Run, Owned & Operated Specialist Trader: In the "Real world", here we feel is your best place to shop for your Floorcovering needs with trouble free Installations, and floorcoverings at 15 ~ 50% below retail cost. Usually what makes this type of Trader stand out is, they usually have small overheads that don't combat with expenses & this business person usually has a personal stake & a reputation in the community in which they live. Furthermore, you will not have to far to go for service after the sale. You can also be assured that in the rare event of a complaints it will be handled quickly & professionally, as they know you are their best form of advertising. Enjoy yourself when selecting new carpets. If you feel like just a number at other carpet stores, try your local specialist trader store. You will find good old fashion service with professional concern for your particular floorcovering needs. This type of trader usually always has the least amount of complaints as they recommend you to use a better quality than the Standard Domestic materials as well as they are usually the best in their chosen fields. So what you save in material costs are sometimes absorbed in providing the better Quality Materials as well as being the best "Craftsmen" in their field !!!
Ask your neighbours & friends about your local floorcovering store. You may find the best deal right in your own backyard, ...or contact-us for with your enquiry !
NB: We at Australian Natural Floorcoverings don't normally deal with the direct public (other than this Web site) for over three decades, clients come and go (returning when the job has been damage or in need of replacement), most are referred by word of mouth, consisting of Architects, Interior designers, owner/builders as well as our loyal long term Clients.
(*) To our knowledge the Clients we associate with are not among these !
(#) If you ask this person, "do you really now how to install woven carpets" [e.g. Real; Coir, Sisal, Seagrass, Jute, Rope, Axminster and Wilton carpets etc.] and "how often do your Jobs needed to be Re-stretched". If Truthful, this should give you some sort of indication of their skills. |